Judges for this class: Laura Rock-Smith, Sheila Bishop, Kathy Hartmann
Judge #2 was the tiebreaker.
Champion: Baby Blues (#5837), 36 points, owned by Sarah Wellman
Reserve Champion: Time Line (#7484), 30 points, owned by Leslie Parrish
Remaining Top 10:
Out of the Blue (#5689), 24 points, owned by Kirsten Wellman
Rhapsody in Blue (#5746), 21 points, owned by Kirsten Wellman
Marquis Diamond (#4785), 14 points, owned by margaret suchow
Pawnee Bill (#5827), 14 points, owned by Sarah Wellman
Juan Valdez (#5681), 14 points, owned by Kirsten Wellman
Once in a Blue Moon (#4506), 8 points, owned by Kelly Diller
Malibu Gold (#1086), 7 points, owned by Adrien Synnott
Robert Johnson (#6980), 5 points, owned by Molly Steinkamp
Judge's cards:
Place | (points) | Judge 1: Laura Rock-Smith | Judge 2: Sheila Bishop | Judge 3: Kathy Hartmann |
1 | 15 | Time Line (#7484) | Time Line (#7484) | Baby Blues (#5837) |
2 | 12 | Out of the Blue (#5689) | Baby Blues (#5837) | Out of the Blue (#5689) |
3 | 9 | Baby Blues (#5837) | Rhapsody in Blue (#5746) | Juan Valdez (#5681) |
4 | 7 | Pawnee Bill (#5827) | Malibu Gold (#1086) | Pawnee Bill (#5827) |
5 | 6 | Rhapsody in Blue (#5746) | Marquis Diamond (#4785) | Rhapsody in Blue (#5746) |
6 | 5 | Juan Valdez (#5681) | Once in a Blue Moon (#4506) | Robert Johnson (#6980) |
7 | 4 | Marquis Diamond (#4785) | Thunder Cloud (#6036) | Marquis Diamond (#4785) |
8 | 3 | Honor Code (#4807) | Chief Ouray (#5801) | Once in a Blue Moon (#4506) |
9 | 2 | Once in a Blue Moon (#5805) | Smokey (#2597) | Goldie (#2587) |
10 | 1 | San Francisco (#6847) | Cordon Noir (#1064) | Commander's Gold (#1061) |
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